All change – a day at Wychwood School

Wychwood SchoolAs a fundraiser for more playtime equipment, the School Council arranged a ‘Take Over’ day. Pupils were invited to apply for jobs in the school for a small donation of £1 and 120 applied!  The councillors met to help select the ‘best’ applications and Mr Rubba was given the very difficult task of finalising the selections for children to help run the school on the last day of term. The successful applicants were: Key Stage 1 Teachers – Ava G and Percy. Key Stage 2 Teachers – Issy W, Molly, Niko and Lydia. Teaching Assistants Isabelle M, Belle, George, Lincoln, Bea, Amelia F, Amber M, Sammy M. Office Staff- Jake H and Verity, Headteacher – Joseph L. Verity took on my role for the day so for one of her tasks I asked her to write a bit for this article.

I really enjoyed Take Over Day; I was Miss Lewis, a member of the office staff. I counted some cake sale money and filled in the paying in slip for Mrs Hemming. I sorted the World Book Day vouchers ready to be sent home. Both Jake and I enjoyed sitting on the spinning chairs. One of the best things was getting to interview all of the new members of staff and write this article; this is what I discovered:

  • Joseph L (Headteacher) said “My favourite parts were eating biscuits and pressing the green button to let people in. I wrote about Kilvrough and the Chinese New Year for the newsletter.”
  • Niko (teacher), from Elm Class, told me how he loved how everyone paid attention to him, and that he was inspired to be a teacher. “I taught the Polish for colours and told the class about the Polish culture,” he reported.
  • Lydia was the teacher of Oak and Maple classes. She was a bit irritated about how everyone said her name wrong, but she did not mind too much as she got to teach Spanish, her favourite language. She taught the song ‘Head, shoulders, knees and toes’.
  • Percy (teacher) took two lessons in Willow Class. He showed them how to do some origami and worked with the class to write an acrostic poem about the Great Fire of London.
  • KS1 teaching assistants went over to the Foundation Stage to help the children with their learning. They listened to some children reading and helped them with their phonics.
  • Ava (teacher) enjoyed taking the register in the morning and scanning the books in the library so the children could take the books home.

It was a very successful day.

Verity Lewis and Julie Hemming

April – May 2018

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